


Pleasure is a blessing, le qi all the mind such as! Orz poetry hidden meaning, but hide feelings. On father's day, is an old saying goes: thank you father, I wish you happiness!


When you see this message, my heart is praying for you and pray for your heart is full of happiness, prayer angel by your side, always pray for your future carefree, happy father's day.


Your figure is not large, but you are my mountain, give me rely on; Your mind is not wide, but you are my wings, take me fly. Thank you, my dear father, happy father's day!


Father love, such as day, keep out wind and rain to us; Father love, such as, to pour out our hope; The father loves the mountain, solid to rely on to us. Today is father's day, wish all the father healthy and happy forever!



Discourse is not much, blessing not less; The greeting is not much, care often along; Dad asked few, now has children wish. Father's day, wish all the children don't forget to bless daddy.


A mother's love deep as the sea, the father loves the mountain again. , my moth-er long hair pulling. Their parents three chunhui, according to warm my life. The road is the drinking water source, often missing. Father's day, but let dad koan.


You are an eagle, I am a bird; You are a big tree, I am the grass; You are my dad, I'm your the naughty children, today specially sent text messages to your holidays! I wish you a happy holiday!


You are industrious hands seeder, reap the fruits of the life; Bright eyes is the camera, witness colorful colorful world; Father's day, wish all the father health peace, happiness!



When your arm has lift I grown up in the body, when I was no longer the bounced around you little Eva, but you still is my willing to rely on the mountain, never collapsed, dad, I wish you a happy holiday!


My blessing is like a mountain spring, wash your face to dust and ashes; My blessing, like palm leaf fan, fan to you profuse sweat; My blessing, like green bean soup, good summer to bring you cool and refreshing! I wish my father a happy holiday!

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