

1、爱是春暖花开时对你满满的笑意。Love is blooming for you full of happiness。

2、五月万枝榴花照眼明,枝间时见子初成。Thousands of may pomegranate eyes bright, branches into early you then the son。

3、那盛开的花朵儿,不正像一张张美丽可爱的脸儿吗?The blooming flower bud, not just like every beautiful and lovely face?

4、溪上新荷初出水,花房半弄微红。The stream water at the beginning of the new lotus greenhouse half reddish。

5、喇叭花举起紫红色的大喇叭,好像在吹着一支好听的晨曲。Amaryllis raise purple loudspeakers, as if in blowing a nice alba。

6、不是花中偏爱菊,此花开尽更无花。Is not a preference chrysanthemum flowers, the flower blooms do no more。

7、黑玫瑰如同闪亮的珍珠,在夜光中绽放着无言的尊贵。Black roses, like a shining pearl in the luminous noble blooming in silence。

8、石竹花从纷乱的杂草中探出头,它们粉红色的笑脸真好看!Pink from the chaos of the weed out that's a nice pink smiley face!


9、田野里,一片红艳艳的紫云英,像燃起的熊熊火焰。In the field, a piece of red clover, like the blazing fire。

10、开花时节,白的,紫的,粉的,水红的,姿色秀丽。The flowering season, white, purple, pink, hot pink, beautiful appearance。

11、蓓蕾有几分苦,待到花开满枝香。Bud is somewhat bitter, until fragrant flowers blooming branches。

12、朵朵吊钟花,挂在翠绿的叶子间,火烤一样红艳耀眼。Countless bellflower, among the green leaves, like fire red glare。

13、瑰花很鲜艳,红中泛白,呈胭脂色,像小女孩的脸,那么可爱。A rose flower is very bright, red white, a rouge color, like a little girl's face, so cute。

14、可爱的玫瑰花呀,像一团团燃烧着青春的火焰,个个都是那样的红,那样的美!O lovely rose, like clouds of youth burning fire, everyone is so red, so beautiful!

15、啊,牵牛花开了。六角形的花,像个小酒杯,在阳光的照耀下显得更加显眼夺目。Ah, morning glory。 Hexagonal flower, like a small glass, the sun appears more prominent。

16、微风过处,那碧绿的随风起伏,就像一位舞女在摆动她那美丽的长裙。Breeze, the green wind ups and downs, like a dancer in a swinging her beautiful dress。


17、殷红的玫瑰馥郁芬芳,铺成通往教皇厅华美娇艳的地毯。Deep red rose fragrant fragrance, spread into the carpet to the Pope hall colorful delicate and charming。

18、满塘的荷花荷叶,远远望去就像碧波上荡着点点五颜六色的帆,煞是好看。Pond lotus lotus leaf, which looked from a distance like blue waves in little colorful sails, and on it。

19、鸡冠花,远远看去红得像一团火。走近一看,嗬,朵朵都像大公鸡头上的红冠子。Cockscomb, far look like a red ball of fire。 Approached a look, wow, blossoming like a big cock head red comb。

20、它那一片片椭圆形的叶子,一朵朵美丽的花儿,都在金色的阳光中点头含笑,好像在欢迎你。It pieces of oval leaves, yellow flowers, in the golden sunshine nodded with a smile, as if in welcome you。

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