

1、I was born to fight。我生来是为斗争的。

2、Sad to make personal sensitivity。悲伤使人格外敏感。

3、I am the master of my own pain。我是我自己痛苦的主。

4、Life is a bow, bow dream。生命是弓,弓弦是梦。

5、An ideal is a force!一种理想,就是一种力量!

6、See the world and love it。看清这个世界,然后爱它。

7、All disasters bring good。一切灾难都带来几分善。

8、Happiness is the smell of a soul。幸福是一种灵魂的香味。


9、With friends, life is full of value。有了朋友,生命才显出它全部的价值。

10、Who has the initiative, who will do it。谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。

11、Human life is actually a psychological life。人类的生活其实都是心理生活。

12、People can't give a time to lust。人们不能给情欲规定一个时间。

13、Many people know, the more I like dogs。认识的人多了,我就更喜欢狗。

14、The most heavy burden is not, but boring。最沉重的负担不是,而是无聊。

15、Worst enemy, is not a strong faith。最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。

16、Stifle thinking people, it is the biggest murderer。扼杀思想的人,是最大的谋杀犯。


17、Timid people, will be a friend to the executioner。怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。

18、Life is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery。生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。

19、For the time being, it is the reality and the ideal of life。暂时的是现实,永生的是理想。

20、To believe in yourself, then others will believe you。先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。

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