

61、once a man and twice a child。一次老,两次小。

62、nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages。外出旅行,语言最要紧。

63、put your shoulder to the wheel。鼎力相助。

64、praise is not pudding。恭维话不能当饭吃。


65、no one can call back yesterday.昨日不会重现。

66、no man is content。人心不足蛇吞象。

67、no man is born wise or learned.没有生而知之者。

68、not to advance is to go back。不进则退。

69、old sin makes new shame。一失足成千古恨。

70、nothing brave, nothing have。不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

71、not to advance is to go back.不进则退。

72、old friends and old wines are best。陈酒味醇,老友情深。


73、short accounts make long friends。好朋友勤算账。

74、old friends and old wines are best.陈酒味醇,老友情深。

75、one good turn deserves another。行善积德。

76、he is wise that is honest。诚实者最明智。

77、one's words reflect one's thinking。言为心声。

78、nothing dries sooner than a tear。眼泪干得最快。

79、one cannot put back the clock。时钟不能倒转。

80、no cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。


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