

61、Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight。除 非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。

62、Dreams can often become challenging, but challenges are what we live for。 梦想经常会变成挑战,而我们正是为这些挑战而活。

63、Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other。健康与快乐,相辅相成。

64、Diseases of the sou I are more dangerous than those of the body。身体有恙好治,心病难医。


65、Patient people are patient to gain longevity。有耐心的人会活得比较久。

66、Many dishes, many diseases。多吃多病。

67、Temperance is the best physic。节制乃是最好的医药。

68、Cleanliness is next to godliness。清洁仅次于圣洁。

69、Believe is one kind of love。 For loving you, so I believe you。 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信你。

70、Smoking has a great influence on our health。 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响。

71、Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body。读书动脑,运动健身。

72、Life is not merely living but living in health。生活不只要活,还要活得健。


73、We should get into the habit of keeping good hours。 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

74、Care brings gray hair。忧虑催人老。

75、Good health is over wealth。健康是最大的财富。

76、A light heart lives long。无忧者长寿。

77、Sickness is felt, but health not at all。疾病是可以感觉到的,但健康则完全不觉得。

78、After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile。午饭后坐一坐,晚饭后走-走。

79、I have been working out every day。我每天都去健身。

80、Fretting cares make gray hairs。忧虑使人早生华发。


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