

61、I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could end — so quickly that I might not even notice。 And I couldn’t make myself be afraid。 I couldn’t think of anything, except that he was touching me。 (Bella)我知道任何时候都有可能失控,我的生命就会随之结束。速度之快,可能我连注意都还没注意到就结束了。我不能让自己害怕,也不能想什么,只知道他在不停地抚摸我。

62、He grinned his crooked smile at me, stopping my breath and my heart。 I couldn’t imagine how an angel could be any more glorius。 There was nothing about him that could be improved upon。 (Bella)他冲我狡黠地笑着,我不由得停住了呼吸,心跳也停了。我实在想像不出来一个天使怎么可能比他更加迷人,他已经是漂亮得无以复加了。

63、It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real。 I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up。 (Bella)很难相信居然真的有这么美的人。我害怕他会突然像一缕青烟一样消失掉,而我就像做了一场梦一样。

64、It’s twilight。 It’s the safest time of day for us。 The easiest time。 But also the saddest, in a way…the end of another day, the return of the night。 Darkness is so predictable, don’t you think? (Edward)已经是傍晚了。这是一天中对我们最安全的时刻,最轻松的时刻,在某种程度上,却也是最伤感的……又一天的结束,夜晚的回归,黑暗总是如期而至,你不这样觉得吗?


65、I’m absolutely ordinary-well, except for bad things like all the near-death experiences and being so clumsy that I’m almost disabled。 (Bella)我是极其普通的一个人——当然,出了那些差点没了命的经历,还有自己太笨差点残废这些不好的事情以外。

66、I’ve never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and it’s much more troublesome than I would have believed。 But that’s probably just because it’s you。 Ordinary people seem to make it through the day without so many catastrophes。 (Edward)我以前从来没有试图去救某一个人,而这比我先前想象的要麻烦得多,但也许仅仅是因为是你的缘故。普通人似乎一天里没有这么多灾多难的。

67、I’m the worlds best predator, aren’t I? Everything about me invites you in-my voice, my face, even my smell。 As if i need any of that! (Edward)我是世界上最棒的猎食动物,对不对?我身上的一切都能让你上钩——我的声音、我的脸,甚至包括我的气味,好像我没有那些东西不行似的!

68、Edward in the sunlight was shocking。 I couldn’t get used to it, though I’d been staring at him all afternoon。 His skin, white, despite the faint flush from yesterday’s hunting trip:Literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface。 (Bella) Edward在阳光下的样子令人震惊,虽然整个下午我都在盯着他看,但还是看不习惯。虽然昨天打猎回来后些微有些发红,但他的皮肤依然很白净,简直熠熠生辉,好像镶嵌了无数颗小小的钻石。

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