

41、有一类卑微的工作是用坚苦卓绝的精神忍受着的,最低陋的事情往往指向最崇高的目标。Have a kind of work is to use drove a humble, suffering the spirit of the lowest ugly things often point to the most noble goal。

42、爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却。让它任意着,那就要把一颗心烧焦。Love, is the same with the coal, burn, have to think of some way to call it to cool。 Let it wilfully, that will put a heart burnt。

43、要和一个男人相处的快乐,你应该多多了解他而不必太爱他,哽喉的苦味,沁舌的蜜糖。Happy to get along with a man, you should understand him and need not too love him a lot, choking bitterness, ooze tongue of honey。

44、愚人的蠢事算不得稀奇,聪明人的蠢事才叫人笑痛肚皮;因为他用全副的本领,证明他自己愚笨。The folly of fools is rare, a wise man's foolish matter people laugh pain belly; Because he used heavily ability, proved he is stupid。

45、我承认天底下再没有比爱情的惩罚更痛苦的,一个骄傲的人,结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己。I admit that there is no punishment is more painful than love, a proud, and the result is always in the proud destroyed himself。

46、成功的骗子,不必再以说谎为生,因为被骗的人已经成为他的拥护者,我再说什么也是枉然。Successful cheat, don't have to lie for a living, because the person is deceived already becomes his supporter, I say what is in vain。

47、魔鬼为了陷害我们起见,往往故意向我们说真话,在小事情上取得我们的信任,然后我们在重要的关头便会堕入他的圈套。Framed us devil, often deliberately speak the truth to us, our trust in small things, then we in the important juncture will fall into his trap。

48、在灰暗的日子中,不要让冷酷的命运窃喜;命运既然来凌-辱我们,就应该用处之泰然的态度予以报复。In gray day, don't let the fate of the ruthless secretly pleased; Now that fate in ling - our shame, you should use the philosophy of the attitude to retaliate。


49、我们的身体就像一座园圃,意志是这园圃里的园董…让它荒废不治也好,把它辛勤耕植也好,那权力都在于我们的意志。Our body is like a garden, will is the garden in the garden, dong…… Don't let it waste treatment, hard planting it, the power lies in our will。

50、爱情是叹息吹起的一阵烟;恋人眼中有它净化了的火星;因为她生的美丽,所以被男人追求;因为她是女人,所以被男人俘获。Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs。 Eyes have it purified the lovers of Mars; Because she gave birth to a beautiful, so men to pursuit; Because she is a woman, so was captured by the man。

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