

41、请相信我,上天操纵着一切,我们只是它的工具而已。Please believe me, god with everything, we just its tools。

42、总司令最重要的品质就是冷静的头脑。Commander in chief of the most important quality is a cool head。

43、上帝已赋予我克服种种困难的意志与力量。God has given me the will and the force to overcome difficulties。

44、人们较易于受邪恶的摆布胜于受道德的约束。People are easy to at the mercy of the evil than bound by moral。

45、中国是一头睡狮,一旦醒来将震憾世界。China is a sleeping lion, once woke up will shock the world。

46、与世无争是理性的范畴,是心灵的真正胜利。Otherwise is rational category, is the real victory of the mind。

47、在爱情的战场上,唯一获胜的秘诀是逃跑。In the love battlefield, the only escape is the secret of winning。

48、智慧是无限的,但是它与骄傲绝不可能并存。Wisdom is infinite, but it can never coexist with the proud。


49、人生之光荣,不在永不失败,而在能屡败屡战。The glory of life lies in never falling, but in can often hurt often war。

50、正确的思维方法就是最好的提高效率的方法。The correct thinking method is the best method of improving efficiency。

51、个人的计划与实践存在太大的落差即是疯狂的表现。Plan and practice of personal existence is too large gap is crazy。

52、一切不道德事情中最不道德的,就是去做不能胜任的事情。All the most immoral, unethical things is to do things that is not up to。

53、人生的光荣,不在永不失败,而在于能够屡败屡起。The glory of life, is not in never falling, but in can repeatedly beaten up。

54、不会从失败中寻求教训的人通向成功的道路是遥远的。Not seek lesson from the failure of the path to success is far away。

55、决不允许让一个天生要成为太阳的命运堕落成为一个卫星。Never allow a born to be the fate of the sun to fall into a satellite。

56、命运是个女人。她给我做的事越多,我对她的要求也就越大。Fate is a woman。 She gave me to do, the more I to her request。


57、你真正想要的是什么?放手去做,全力以赴,别管“能不能”。What is you really want? Let go to do, go all out, don't worry about "can"。

58、人们常只想到自己的需要,而没考虑自己的能力。People often think only of their own needs, without considering their own ability。

59、一切逆境中应含有与逆境旗鼓相当或更大利益的种子。Should contain all adversity and adversity the seed of equal or greater benefit。。

60、我的道路上满是荆棘,而我却始终坚持信念,从未践踏过荣誉。My road is full of thorns, but I was always adhere to the faith, never trample the honor。

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