

61、日习则学不忘,自勉则身不坠。——徐干Don't forget to learn, learning, encourage each other is not falling。 -- Xu Gan

62、惜时专心苦读是做学问的一个好方法。——蔡尚思Time to concentrate on studying is a good way of learning。 -- Cai Shangsi

63、举一纲而万目张,解一卷而众篇明。——郑玄Lift the headrope mesh, solution volume and the statement。 -- Zheng Xuan

64、书籍乃世人积累智慧之长明灯。——寇第斯All books are the ever burning lamps of accumulated wisdom。 This article -- Curtis


65、书籍使人们成为宇宙的主人。——巴甫连柯Books make people become the masters of the universe。 Pavlovo -- even Ke

66、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。——陆游The paper come Zhongjue shallow, and must know this to practice。 -- Lu You

67、千淘万浪虽辛苦,吹尽黄沙始到金。——刘禹锡Thousand washes the waves though hard, blowing sand began to gold。 -- Liu Yuxi

68、人家不必论富贵,唯有读书声最佳。——唐寅People don't have on wealth, only the sound of reading the best。 -- Tang Yin

69、书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。——陆游The book to use square hate less, you never know how difficult。 -- Lu You

70、人能不食十二日,惟书安可一日无。——陆游People can not eat for twelve days, but the book a day without encore。 -- Lu You

71、惜时、专心、苦读是做学问的一个好方法。——蔡尚思Anthony, concentrate on studying, is a good way of learning。 -- Cai Shangsi

72、好书不厌读百回,熟读课思子自知。——苏轼A good book can read 100 times, read the course of thought the child knew。 -- Su Shi


73、读书补天然之不足,经验又补读书之不足。——培根They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience is insufficient。 -- Bacon

74、除了野蛮国家,整个世界都被书统治着。——福尔特尔In addition to the savage state, the world is ruled by the book。 -- Forte M

75、读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。——郭沫若Don't read in the middle of the night five drum work, but work hard for。 -- Guo Moruo

76、鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。——李若禅The bird to fly first wings, who seek to improve themselves to reading。 -- Li Ruochan

77、读书使人充实、讨论使人机智,作文使人准确。——培根Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, writing an exact man。 -- Bacon

78、读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思。——朱熹Reading of the law, in an orderly and progressive, familiar with the fine si。 -- Zhu Xi

79、腹有诗书气自华,读书万卷始通神。——苏轼The abdomen with gas from Chinese poetry and literature, reading only through god。 -- Su Shi

80、睹一事于句中,反三隅于字外。――刘知几To see a thing in the middle of a sentence, three words in reverse corner。 -- Liu Zhiji


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