

41、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud。博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

42、live well, love lots, and laugh often。善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑。

43、If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

44、understand yourself in order to better understanding others。知己方能解人。

45、Life is half spent before we know what it is。人过半生,方知天命。

46、A man's best friends are his ten fingers。人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。

47、There is but one secret to sucess:never give up!成功只有一个秘诀:永不放弃!

48、Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards。人往高处走,水往低处流。


49、When all else is lost the future still remains。就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。。

50、The unexamined life is not worth living。混混噩噩的生活不值得过。

51、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime。对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。

52、Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study。天生的才干如同天生的植物一样,需要靠学习来修剪。

53、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today 。实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。

54、Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity。命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。

55、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power。没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。

56、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today。对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!


57、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

58、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value。不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。

59、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart。世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

60、Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect 。不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

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