

21、岂能尽如人意,但求无愧我心。Is the best, but beg conscience clear my heart。

22、天空黑暗到一定程度,星辰就会熠熠生辉。The sky is dark, the stars will shine。

23、成功永远属于马上行动的人。Success always belongs to action immediately。

24、你必须成功,因为你不能失败。You must succeed, because you can't fail。


25、完全照成功者的方法来执行。Completely according to the successful methods to perform。

26、如果我们可以改变情绪,我们就可以改变未来。If we can change the mood, we can change the future。

27、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。To think highly of first oneself, others will respect you。

28、我们打开心门!我相信没人会伤害我们!We open the door! I believe that no one can hurt us!

29、叹气是浪费时间的事情,哭泣是浪费力气的行径。Sigh is a waste of time things, crying is waste energy。

30、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过于家。Home! Sweet home! Home is the most beautiful place in the world。

31、你有我,我有你,合作共赢创未来。You have me, I have you, win-win cooperation in the future。

32、生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。Life is too short, tomorrow to give up today can not get it。


33、人的价值,在遭受诱惑的一瞬间被决定。The value of people, be decided at the moment of luring。

34、微小的幸福就在身边,容易满足就是天堂。Tiny happiness is in the side, easy to meet is heaven。

35、生命中所发生的每一件事必有其意义!What happened in my life every thing, so the significance!

36、要生存就得象狼一样在森林里生活。To survive have to be like a Wolf lives in the forest。

37、绝口不提不是因为忘记,而是因为铭记。About not forget because it is over, but because remembered。

38、九十九次的理论不如一次的行动来得实际。Ninety-nine times than the theory of a more practical action。

39、羡慕别人得到的,不如珍惜自己拥有的。Envy other people, not as good as cherish their own。

40、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。The angry is that taking the other's mistake to punish oneself。


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